The Romanian Academy with the help of AICC (Association of Contemporary Identity and Culture) organized the exhibition "Trajan’s Column in contemporary art", between the 25th of October and the 4th of December at "Casa Academiei" in Bucharest. The exhibition, which has reunited works of plastic art inspired by Romania’s antique history, was prepared in collaboration with Romanian Academy, the Institute of Archeology "Vasile Pârvan" and the University of Plastic Arts.
Bellow you can find the works of some Romanian contemporary artists, works inspired by the long lasting art that decorates the Column and by the Dacian sculptures that were part of the Trajan’s Form (Rome).
Daniela Frumușeanu
Work Title: Revenirea
Dimensions: 300cm x 90 cm
Year of realization: 2011
Eugen Barzu
Work Title: Coloana Românilor
Dimensions: 102 x 30 x 17 cm
Technique: oil/canvas
Year of realization: 2013
Traian Ștefan Boicescu
Work Title: Relicve
Dimensions: 100cm x 100 cm
Technique: oil/canvas
Year of realization: 2013
Liviu Brezeanu
Work Title: Scena cu sacrificiul regelui Decebal
Dimensions: 80 x 60 x 6 cm
Technique: Bas-relief
Material: wood oak
Year of realization: 2012
Diana Braescu
Work Title: Columna
Dimensions: 1 m x 1 m
Technique: acrylic/ canvas
Year of realization: 2010
Alexandra Buduru
Work Title: Coiful dacic
Dimensions: 90cm x 100 cm
Technique: mixt (collage, printing, linocut)
Year of realization: 2012
Marius Burhan
Work Title: Roma
Dimensions: 80 cm x 70 cm
Technique: oil on canvas
Year of realization: 2013
Emil Craioveanu
Work Title: Zeul Identitar
Dimensions: 40 cm x 59 cm
Technique: mixt
Year of realization: 2012
Cristiana Calinescu Fodor
Work Title: Cavaleul Trac
Dimensions: 65 cm x 82 cm
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Cornel T Durgheu
Work Title: Relief Zamolxes
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: bronze
Year of realization: 1975
Work Title: Burebista
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: reinforced concrete
Year of realization: 1978
Work Title: Decebal
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: wood
Year of realization: 1978
Work Title: Decebal
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: wood
Year of realization: 1978
Work Title: Dromichete
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: ceramics
Year of realization: 1979
Work Title: Nobil Dac
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: metal
Year of realization: 1976
Work Title: Tarabostes
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: metal
Year of realization: 1980
Work Title: Zamolxis
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: bronze
Year of realization: 1977
Work Title: Stramosii
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: walnut
Year of realization: 1980
Work Title: Decebal
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: stone
Year of realization: 1983
Vlad Iulian Fodor
Work Title: Dac
Dimensions: 65 cm x 82 cm
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Anca Alexandra Higiu
Work Title: Monede Dacice
Dimensions: 100 cm x 60 cm
Technique: screen printing
Year of realization: 2012
Georgeta Hlihor
Work Title: Decebal
Dimensions: 40 cm x 40 cm
Technique: stone
Year of realization: 1983
Doina Ionescu
Constantin Ovidiu Ionescu
Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 40 cm
Technique: glazed and engobe sanitary porcelan, with Egyptian paste applications, fire point: 1180 gr. Celsius
Year of realization: 2008
Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 40 cm
Technique: engobe hone, engobe sanitary porcelan, fire point: 1220 gr. Celsius
Year of realization: 2012
Leonard Istrate
Work Title: Vatra dacica
Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 40 cm
Technique: oil on canvas, palette knife
Sabina Ivascu
A few processed images, representing Dacian ornaments as well as a visual metaphor inspired by the combination of landforms – mountains, cliffs and the firm nature of the man who once rulled Dacia – King Decebal.
Janos Miklos
Work Title: Compozitie
Dimensions: 80 cm x 90 cm
Technique: oil on canvas
Mihai Moldovanu
Work Title: Umbo de scut dacic
Dimensions: 60 cm x 80 cm
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Year of realization: 2012
Ruxandra Stefana Munteanu
Work Title: Un stramos
Dimensions: 39 x 34 cm
Technique: acrylic on cardboard
Costin Neamțu
Lisandru Neamțu
Work Title: Moneda
Dimensions: 90 x 120 x 80 cm
Technique: flat relief/ plaster/ wood/ acrylic
Liviu Nedelcu
Work Title: Dac
Dimensions: 90 x 90 cm
Technique: mixt technique on canvas
Year of realization: 2012
Vasile Pop-Negreșteanu
Work Title: Cartea Dacilor – Renasterea lui decebal
Dimensions: 36 x 60 x 60 cm
Technique: acrylic, oil on canvas glued on wood, schelagmetal gold, silver, mirror
Year of realization: 2013
Work Title: Mesajul Dacilor
Dimensions: 273 x 107 x 92 cm
Technique: wood, canvas glued on acylic wood, print, schelagmetal gold, silver
Year of realization: 2012
Work Title: Porunca divina
Dimensions: 100 x 100 cm
Technique: mixt technique on canvas
Year of realization: 2012
Work Title: Memoria scutului dacic
Dimensions: 95 x 100 cm
Technique: mixt technique on canvas
Year of realization: 2012
Work Title: Regale dac
Dimensions: 130 x 200
Technique: tempera on canvas
Year of realization: 2012
Work Title: Stapanul Dunarii albastre
Dimensions: 42 x 200 cm
Technique: acrylic on canvas
Work Title: Osenii urmasii Dacilor
Technique: mixt technique – photography, acrylic, grey cardboard, schlagmetal
Dimensions: 21 x 24 cm
Year of realization: 1981, 2013
Radu Olteanu
Trajan's Column and Trajan's Forum, two illustrations from the book 'Dacia. Războaiele romanilor'
Canija Popa Adriana
Claudia Popescu
Work Title: Arcada in timp
Technique: oil / canvas
Dimensions: 50 x 70
Year of realization: 2012
Under the idea theme of Dacians, I created this “arcade in time” mirroring the battle of Dacians with the Romans.
Characters: Dacians, Romans, horses, Dacian flag, the Roman Aquila creates a warlike atmosphere. This arcade is a window in time which reminds us of how the Romanian people were born.
Ana-Maria Rugescu
Work Title: Simboluri Strabune
Technique: mixt
Dimensions: 85 x 100 cm
Year of realization: 2012
Luiza Delia Bontoș
Work Title: Nobil Dac (Pileatus)
Technique: gypsum
Dimensions: 60 x 40 cm
Year of realization: 2013
Work Title: Portret de taran din zona Oasului
Technique: graphite on paper
Dimensions: A4
Year of realization: 2006
Work Title: Influente dacice in portul popular romanesc
Technique: graphite on paper
Dimensions: A4
Year of realization: 2006
Work Title: Monument
Technique: graphite on paper
Dimensions: A4
Year of realization: 2006
Alina Voda
Work Title: Brățări dacice
Technique: oil on canvas
Dimensions: 80 x 80 cm
Year of realization: 2012